The Chatstack Windows app allows you to chat with your customers using a native Windows desktop app. As you chat with your site visitors, you are alerted to what web pages the customer visits. You are also able to easily switch between chatting visitors if you are chatting to more than one visitor at the same time.
When using the Chatstack Windows app you are also able to easily send the chatting visitor files and images. The file transfer feature is useful if you need to send the visitor a screenshot or other attachments. Supports Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.
Live Chat Widget and ButtonChatstack will allow your web site visitors to chat to your team without installing any additional software. The site visitor section of our live chat system is developed using PHP, MySQL on the backend and JavaScript, HTML and CSS on the frontend. By using these technologies your site visitors are not required to install any additional browser plug-ins. Simply your web site visitors can click the live chat button on your web site and begin chatting with your operators. ![]() Chatstack customer facing live chat widget and button
iPhone and Android Mobile AppsLive Help supports both iPhone and Android native mobile apps. The mobile apps will allow you to chat to your site visitors from your mobile device. You will also be able to monitor your browsing web site visitors and accept incoming chat requests from your web site visitors right on your phone. Pricing for the iPhone and Android app add-on starts at US$14.99. ![]() Completely Customizable Client WindowYou can customize various parts of the live chat window from within the settings. Settings such as the company logo, campaign link / logo, online / offline status images, and fonts can be adjusted when logged into the Chatstack app as an operator. In addition to this you have access and can customize the CSS style sheets for any advanced customization. Below is a screenshot that shows the full customization that is possible. The images and CSS styles have been modified to match the web site exactly. The business has also purchased the Copyright Line / Link Removal option so that no link is shown at the bottom of the chat window. ![]() Fully Customizable Chat Window - Match your web sign design exactly. Image Courtesy: Kids Bedding Dreams