Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Top 10 Tools for Starting an Online Store

Wednesday, November 11th, 2015

Are you interested in starting an online business? We’ve compiled an awesome list of 10 essential tools for helping you get started selling online today. Many of these tools are free and allow you to quickly get started with everything you need to set up an online store. We will discuss software to start selling online, credit card payment processing, along with marketing essentials and productivity tools to improve your workflow. We also use many of these tools at Chatstack to help manage, improve and grow our business.


1. Magento

Magento is the industry leader for online shopping cart software, trusted by more than 240,000 merchants worldwide. Industry leading brands such as the Nike store, Samsung and Ford all use Magento. In addition to these global companies, Magento is used by thousands of small business online stores as it is a very flexible and highly customizable system.

Magento is known to be the most comprehensive open source e-commerce solution available on the market. The software offers extensive customization, payment methods and shipping and handling options. The store’s appearance, content and functionality can be managed via the intuitive administration interface.

With such a large market share in the e-commerce market, there are a significant number of Magento developers available for outsourcing any development work that you require and for assistance in setting up and maintaining your store.


  • Self-hosted
  • Packed with features
  • Hundreds of high-quality templates available
  • No need to upgrade in the future as it’s a well-tested platform that runs huge stores


Free community edition or paid enterprise editions.


5 Keys to Excellent Customer Service

Friday, November 6th, 2015
Building good relationships with your customers is integral to a successful business. It’s smart business to always be generous and remember that every interaction with a customer is a moment to shine. Dazzle your customers with some basic principles for customer service excellence.

1. Empowerment

Empower your employees to make good decisions and provide a better customer service experience. Establish clear ideas about how your business should present itself, which in turn leads to rules and guidelines that your employees should communicate to customers.
Training your employees to make decisions on their own without the typical manager’s approval provides a faster response to customers, making your employees more productive, and creating an exceptional service experience.
Simon Sinek, Start with Why
“Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first.”
Simon Sinek - Start with Why
Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first. @simonsinek Click To Tweet