From within the Live Help Server Software v3.90 and above you are able to create custom templates. The templates are based on the PHP Smarty templating system and allow you to customise the guest chat window to suit your own web site design and layout.

  1. Make a copy of either the /livehelp/templates/default/ or /livehelp/templates/whmcs-portal/ folder.
  2. Rename the copied duplicate folder to the name of your template e.g. /livehelp/templates/custom/
  3. Edit the .tpl files to change the HTML code, don’t change any tags or {} Smarty tags.
  4. Configure your new template to load as the default template in the Live Help Windows app > Settings tab > Appearance > Template

You can also customise the following folders and images if you wish to make advanced customisations to the images and CSS.

  1. /livehelp/images/ – Contains images that shouldn’t need translating
  2. /livehelp/locale/en/images/ – Contains images that need translating for each language pack.
  3. /livehelp/styles/ – Contains CSS styles, some of these are generated from PHP and use the settings that are configured within the Live Help Windows app > Settings tab > Appearance section.