You can check the version of your WHMCS live chat add-on by opening any PHP files within the /modules/livehelp folder in a text editor application. You may need to use an FTP or SFTP application to open one of these files from your web site. The live chat version is shown within a comment at the top of every encoded PHP file like the following example. For this example you can see the live chat add-on version is v4.1 rev 3.

// *************************************************************************
// *                                                                       *
// * WHMCS - Live Chat & Visitor Tracking Addon                            *
// * Copyright (c) WHMCS Ltd. All Rights Reserved,                         *
// * Version: 4.1 rev 3                                                    *
// * Build Date: 25 Aug 2014                                               *
// *                                                                       *
// *************************************************************************
// *************************************************************************
// *                                                                       *
// * Email: [email protected]                                                 *
// * Website:                                         *
// *                                                                       *
// *************************************************************************
// *                                                                       *
// * This software is furnished under a license and may be used and copied *
// * only  in  accordance  with  the  terms  of such  license and with the *
// * inclusion of the above copyright notice.  This software  or any other *