Yes, from version 5.0 you can configure SMTP for any emails sent such as the offline emails or chat transcript emails. To configure the SMTP settings and authentication you will need to open the /livehelp/include/database.php file.

// Override Settings
$_SETTINGS = array();

// Recommended SMTP Providers
// or
$_SETTINGS['SMTPSECURE'] = 'tls'; // Use 'tls' or 'ssl'
$_SETTINGS['SMTPFROM'] = '[email protected]'; // Email Address for the From: email header

You would need to edit or add the above settings with the correct SMTP hostname, port, username, password and the SMTP authentication type.

Adding SMTP settings is also useful if you are having trouble with using the in-built PHP mail() function and you aren’t receiving any emails that are sent from the server software.

You can use a third party service like and to send the emails, both of these companies have free plans that would be suitable for most businesses. Using these email APIs you will be able to correctly setup your SPF and DKIM DNS records so that your emails are not flagged as SPAM.